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Пример подключения движка XML/XSLT:

Сначала регистрируем движок:

global $arCustomTemplateEngines;
$arCustomTemplateEngines = array(
   "xslt" => array(
      "templateExt" => array("xsl"),
      "function" => "XSLTEngine"

Функция инициализации параметров движка:

function CreateXMLFromArray($xDoc, $xNode, $ar)
   foreach($ar as $key=>$val)
      if(!is_string($key) || strlen($key)<=0)
         $key = "value";

      $xElement = $xDoc->createElement($key);
         CreateXMLFromArray($xDoc, $xElement, $val);
         $xElement->appendChild($xDoc->createTextNode(iconv( SITE_CHARSET, "utf-8", $val)));
   return $xNode;

Функция подключения движка:

function XSLTEngine($templateFile, $arResult, $arParams, $arLangMessages, $templateFolder, $parentTemplateFolder, $template)
   $arResult["PARAMS"] = array(
      "templateFolder" => $templateFolder,
      "parentTemplateFolder" => $parentTemplateFolder,
      "arParams" => $arParams,
      "arLangMessages" => $arLangMessages

   $xDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", SITE_CHARSET);
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   CreateXMLFromArray($xDoc, $xRoot, $arResult);

   $xXsl = new DOMDocument();
   $xXsl->load( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$templateFile );

   $xProc = new XSLTProcessor;

   echo $xProc->transformToXML($xDoc);

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