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Пример подключения движка Smarty:

В массиве $arCustomTemplateEngines регистрируется движок Smarty:

global $arCustomTemplateEngines;
arCustomTemplateEngines = array(
   "smarty" => array(
      "templateExt" => array("tpl"),
      "function" => "SmartyEngine"

В функции SmartyEngine инициализируются параметры движка в соответствии с требованиями Smarty (см. систему помощи Smarty). Далее в Smarty передаются переменные результатов работы компонента, входных параметров, языковых сообщений и т.д., а в конце вызывается метод обработки и показа шаблона Smarty:

function SmartyEngine($templateFile, $arResult, $arParams, $arLangMessages, $templateFolder, $parentTemplateFolder, $template)
   if (!defined("SMARTY_DIR"))
      define("SMARTY_DIR", "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/libs/");

   require_once( '<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/libs/Smarty.class.php' );

   $smarty = new Smarty;

   $smarty->compile_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/templates_c/";
   $smarty->config_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/configs/";
   $smarty->template_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/templates/";
   $smarty->cache_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/cache/";

   $smarty->compile_check = true;
   $smarty->debugging = false;

   $smarty->assign("arResult", $arResult);
   $smarty->assign("arParams", $arParams);
   $smarty->assign("MESS", $arLangMessages);
   $smarty->assign("templateFolder", $templateFolder);
   $smarty->assign("parentTemplateFolder", $parentTemplateFolder);

   $smarty->display( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$templateFile );

В строке "<абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>" указывается абсолютный путь к движку Smarty.

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Hey everyone! If you’re in sales, you know how challenging it can be to get quality meetings that actually convert. I’ve been there, struggling with cold calls and trying to reach the right decision-makers. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services, and it honestly changed the game for me.

What do I mean by B2B appointment setting services? Simply put, these services help you schedule meetings with qualified leads, ensuring that your sales team spends more time closing deals and less time chasing unqualified prospects. They do all the legwork—researching potential clients, reaching out, and booking meetings on your behalf. This results in more qualified meetings that are aligned with your business goals.

I’ve personally used a B2B appointment setting service for the past few months, and it’s been a game-changer. The team I work with has a deep understanding of my industry, and they ensure that every meeting is with someone who is genuinely interested in our product or service. That’s saved me so much time and energy!

With a service like this, you’re not just booking meetings—you’re booking meetings that actually have the potential to drive revenue. It’s one of the best investments I’ve made for my sales team. If you’re struggling to fill your calendar with the right leads, I highly recommend looking into B2B appointment setting services. Trust me, the return on investment is totally worth it.

Have any of you used a B2B appointment setting service? I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments!
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