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Пример подключения движка Smarty:

В массиве $arCustomTemplateEngines регистрируется движок Smarty:

global $arCustomTemplateEngines;
arCustomTemplateEngines = array(
   "smarty" => array(
      "templateExt" => array("tpl"),
      "function" => "SmartyEngine"

В функции SmartyEngine инициализируются параметры движка в соответствии с требованиями Smarty (см. систему помощи Smarty). Далее в Smarty передаются переменные результатов работы компонента, входных параметров, языковых сообщений и т.д., а в конце вызывается метод обработки и показа шаблона Smarty:

function SmartyEngine($templateFile, $arResult, $arParams, $arLangMessages, $templateFolder, $parentTemplateFolder, $template)
   if (!defined("SMARTY_DIR"))
      define("SMARTY_DIR", "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/libs/");

   require_once( '<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/libs/Smarty.class.php' );

   $smarty = new Smarty;

   $smarty->compile_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/templates_c/";
   $smarty->config_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/configs/";
   $smarty->template_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/templates/";
   $smarty->cache_dir = "<
абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>/cache/";

   $smarty->compile_check = true;
   $smarty->debugging = false;

   $smarty->assign("arResult", $arResult);
   $smarty->assign("arParams", $arParams);
   $smarty->assign("MESS", $arLangMessages);
   $smarty->assign("templateFolder", $templateFolder);
   $smarty->assign("parentTemplateFolder", $parentTemplateFolder);

   $smarty->display( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$templateFile );

В строке "<абсолютныйпутькдвижку Smarty>" указывается абсолютный путь к движку Smarty.

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If you’re embarking on a kitchen remodel and asking yourself, “How do I find the best countertop contractors near me?”—I’ve been there, and I can help! After recently completing my own kitchen renovation, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that will save you time, money, and headaches along the way.

First, don't underestimate the importance of experience. Whether you’re installing quartz, granite, or marble, each material requires a different skill set. When I started my search for countertop contractors, I made sure to choose someone who had worked extensively with my chosen material. The best countertop contractors near me were able to answer all my questions and walk me through the pros and cons of each material, which made me feel confident in my choices.

Another tip is to ask for detailed quotes. Some contractors may offer low prices upfront, but when you dig deeper, you might find hidden fees or unexpected costs. The best contractors will give you a clear, detailed estimate that includes labor, materials, and any extra costs. I learned the hard way to always get everything in writing before agreeing to anything.

Lastly, consider your timeline. Some countertop contractors may be booked for months, so make sure you align your project timeline with their availability. I had to wait a bit longer than expected for my contractor, but the end result was worth it! A professional contractor will not only provide quality work but also stick to deadlines and keep you informed throughout the entire process.

Hiring the right contractor can make or break your kitchen remodel, so take the time to do your research. Good luck with your kitchen project—hope this advice helps you find the best contractor for your dream kitchen!
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